Monday, September 14, 2009
SDMA'S....almost too easy
Jason Mraz - We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things

Song of the Year
Anya Marina – “Move You"
why we celebrate artists like this is absolutely beyond me. it's offensive to everyone who is really making music in this town. just watch the video..
"Touring ... is kind of a bitch. It's really fun but you think, 'I'm going to see all these great cities and have all these crazy nights.' There's none of that. It's a lie. I signed up for the lie."
as someone who has been deeply involved in music for years it is absolutely INFURIATING to watch this spoiled little bitch complain about the 'rigors' of touring.. don't u just want to jump through the screen, slap those stupid fucking shades off her face and go all 'shawne merriman' on her Ass?
what would shawne do?
choke a bitch!
NOW on to the 'best electronic' category..oh my you stupid fuckheadz... could u make this award any more pointless than to give it to the same artist year in & year out?
Best Electronic
2009 The Album Leaf
2008 The Album Leaf
2007 The Album Leaf
2006 The Album Leaf
2005 Square Circle
2004 The Album Leaf
2003 The Album Leaf
now that jimmy lives in santa cruz or wherevr maybe u lazy fucks can actually seek out some other acts that incorporate electronics into their music..at least this year the acts nominated actually made electronic music! unlike last year when fantastic magic & others who really had no other category were lazily slopped into 'best electronic'
a brief note on hiphop.. now, i don't know shit about this genre of music BUT if i was making legitimate hiphop in this town and MC Blow won best act 2 yrs straight i would off myself. my advice? MOVE. this town is a joke as far as 'rapping' is concerned
i could go on.. for those of you who wish i'd post more i apologize.. this isn't exactly the focus of my existence. quality not quantity. keep checking in for some tasty nugs!
daily recommended show: Trashcan Fires, Lion Cut, Knives @ Ruby Room (thanks Rosie!)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Show:Wavves,No Age,Crocodiles @ Casbah 8/29/09
Artist Profile: Tapedeckmountain

ok i made that last 1up but u get the idear.feel sorry for those of u who follow this broz tweets. in the end, kissing everyone's ass and sucking up to those around u in an attempt to further your career is a shameful display that completely discredits your musical integrity. u should be able to 'make it' on ur own merits. if not..get a real job, keep the fucking corporate clusterfuck moving and STFU.