Monday, September 14, 2009


maaan i got fiiiive kids to feed

SDMA'S....almost too easy

well.. what can really be said about the sdma's...a completely out of touch joke? an inaccurate view of the scene by (as catdirtsez) 'a self designated elite group'. a BORRRING meaningless yearly ritual that means absolutely NOTHING to anyone outside of our quaint little city? all of these are true. but lets take a closer lOOk

Album of the Year

Jason Mraz - We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things
this is the featured video on their own website... don't worry u don't have to watch the entire NINE minutes of this video to come to the same conclusions as the few people who did comment on the youtube clip-
'Almost everything in this video sounds out of tune, Jason's guitar, the horns... '
'His guitar was waaaaaay out of tune alright.'
'You're right, guitar and horns are way off.'
'jason's energy is relatively low in this performance, maybe the poor tuning of his guitar threw him off slightly, or the general fact everyone on stage is a little sedated.'

this garbage needz to just go away..simply awful
Artist of the Year
Slightly Stoopid
unfortunately this is a sad representation of sandiego. is this all weev got? WHO THE FUCK DESIGNATED THESE ASSHOLES ARTISTS OF THE YEAR?!?!?!?!?!
only here could a whiteboy reggae joke band actually attain this sort of 'popularity'. i like weed as much as the next guy, but this shit kills my buzz faster than getting hit in the ballz with an egg pattie...i mean...just LOOK at them. so sad.

Song of the Year
Anya Marina – “Move You"

why we celebrate artists like this is absolutely beyond me. it's offensive to everyone who is really making music in this town. just watch the video..

"Touring ... is kind of a bitch. It's really fun but you think, 'I'm going to see all these great cities and have all these crazy nights.' There's none of that. It's a lie. I signed up for the lie."

as someone who has been deeply involved in music for years it is absolutely INFURIATING to watch this spoiled little bitch complain about the 'rigors' of touring.. don't u just want to jump through the screen, slap those stupid fucking shades off her face and go all 'shawne merriman' on her Ass?

what would shawne do?

choke a bitch!

NOW on to the 'best electronic' category..oh my you stupid fuckheadz... could u make this award any more pointless than to give it to the same artist year in & year out?

Best Electronic

2009 The Album Leaf

2008 The Album Leaf
2007 The Album Leaf
2006 The Album Leaf
2005 Square Circle
2004 The Album Leaf
2003 The Album Leaf

now that jimmy lives in santa cruz or wherevr maybe u lazy fucks can actually seek out some other acts that incorporate electronics into their least this year the acts nominated actually made electronic music! unlike last year when fantastic magic & others who really had no other category were lazily slopped into 'best electronic'

a brief note on hiphop.. now, i don't know shit about this genre of music BUT if i was making legitimate hiphop in this town and MC Blow won best act 2 yrs straight i would off myself. my advice? MOVE. this town is a joke as far as 'rapping' is concerned

i could go on.. for those of you who wish i'd post more i apologize.. this isn't exactly the focus of my existence. quality not quantity. keep checking in for some tasty nugs!

daily recommended show: Trashcan Fires, Lion Cut, Knives @ Ruby Room (thanks Rosie!)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Show:Wavves,No Age,Crocodiles @ Casbah 8/29/09


so with all the hubbub about SD in the national scene lately i figured i'd rather check these bands out in a smaller cooler setting than that shitty festival that took place over the weekend.
there were also a couple acts from the uk that opened. Pens & graffiti island. meh... one girl from pens was pretty cute. i was too busy shmoozing it up on the smoking patio to notice the wanks on stage.
oh u may find this show review layout similar to the 1 scene on catdirtsez but i swear i originated the format. not that it's original. n e whoo

Crocodiles- it looks like touring has done these blokes well. they sounded pretty tight, albeit a little predictable. they pranced around on stage in their shades and did everything they think they're supposed to do to keep the 'i'm cooler than u' vibe going. good for them tho. they have manipulated the system pretty well as of late.

Wavves- nathan has some talent. i must say tho....evr herd of nirvana? many many riffs 'lifted' from mr. cobain there. but hey fuckman u could put a chimp on a bassoon in front of Zach Hills MONSTROUS drumming and it would sound incredible. holy fuck..he has the fucking devil in him. in the best possible way. apparently they've done a full length record in the last few weeks and he's touring with nathan for a while. they had some pretty sic jams. if i was nathan i'd kidnap zachs ass and chain him to a drumkit.
No Age- following Mr Hill is a tough task but No Age were up for it. they played a tight set of scrappy garage-ish indie rock. super crunchy guitars with solid beats. you can just tell they've been playing together for a long time. that indescribable flow that only comes from years of playing together. very enjoyable. better than on record IMO. that's how it should be right?

all in all a good night. but u have to hawt is the scene here when 2 of the standout acts getting national attention and No Age can't sellout a 132 capacity venue until after 10 on the night of the show... what the fuck is up with the scene here? what is wrong with yall?
just seems odd 2 me. 132 is like not very many people..

Daily recommended show: not much 2nite.. Cat Power @ Pala Casino? meh

Artist Profile: Tapedeckmountain

im baaaaaaack
not that u giveafuck.iwentaway for a while.u wouldn't believe me if i told u so i'll just skip it. time for a little summer roundup.
oh lord tapedeckmountain. your trendy hipster name and wayfarer shades aren't going to do u any good. what do u do when ur in ur 30s living at home with no job? uhhhh guess try to be best friends w/ everyone in the scene. nobody wants ur fucking matchbooks or whatever fucking gag ur trying to peddle. u will always be 2nd best to those kidzwhose ass u lick

sold my wristbands on craigslist for #SS09, now watching @cuckoochaos record vocals