there was a time and place for my voice. its a natural backlash when the bullshit meter goes off the charts.
i (unlike other local media sources) dont feel the need to rehash the same fucking bullshit just to 'keep going'
sure i could go on for days about the absolutely absurd and pathetic character known as sethcombs. god that shit about Girls was fucking painful to read

(in case yr a fucking idiot this is a pic from a music video by the band Girls)
Sure, drugs and booze were involved. Shit, how else do you end up at the beach, much less a beach in P.B., at 4 a.m.?
shiiiiiit bitch. drugz n booze whatevs. its cool how it happened inadvertently huh? like you didn't stalk them after the show to get a fucking piece for yr shitty ass rag? ok seth....
But the story here isn’t the skinny-dipping or the bottles of scotch tucked away in the sand.
no no not at all bro. did u let them tuck away that bottle in yr butt for their next vid? you'd have so much cred then HUH??
Groupies are nice, and, yeah, I once provided members of Wu-Tang Clan the number of a weed dealer in Atlanta (and even helped them partake)
OMG did u parTake?!?! did u 'take the weed'? u r a fucking groupie. u r what makes this town suck
and so on..
just b thankful for what i contributed. seth combs has an 'edge' now. my blog created 2 other 1's. DasCult and some other really gay sd goosip page. i was right about tapedeckmountain-see p4k review. also about the 'new ranchos' failing miserably in a matter of a few months. street scene's absolute fail and ON&ON&ON&ON
at the end of the day no 1 goes to shows or gives a fuck at all about local music here. sad huh? & the 1's that do r hanging on by the skin of their teef.
i just do this when i'm borrred. guess i haven't been very bored lately.
when something happens i'll write about it. fuck off
xoxo you too!
ReplyDeleteI'll keep up the good work so you'll have more to write about. Good to have you back. -S.