2 things about this post straight off
1-this post is a year in the making
2- it's nothing to do with you. aka 9local music0
K- this decade is fucking OVERS. that's it.no regrets buddyz. with all the top 100 shit lists coming out as each tiny little mind finally figures out that a somehow significant period of time has passed, it makes u wondur... what did 'our decade' of alt ness really produce? especially compared 2 the 90's it looks pretty fucking bleak.
'movements' of the 90's--
early 90's-Nirvana- Alternative music becomes a viable commodity
mid 90's-British guitar rock revolution-OAsis/Blur Radiohead
INDIE R0CK solidifies itself as a legitimate sub-genre of punk in the US
late 90's- electronic music/raves explode in the US redefining the club experience. the concept of DJ as a performer is legitimized.
indie rock has taken over the mainstream this decade with DCFC & modest mouse having #1 selling albums. 3 bands that helped define the 90's indie sound reunited this year for 10th anniversary tours- Sunny Day Real Estate, The Get Up Kids & Jimmy Eat World ( who've technically never broken up but haven't produced shit since Clarity)
now i know what ur minuscule conditioned mind iz thinking---EMO. unfortunately that is a sad misrepresentation of some pretty fucking good music.
these tours are a testament to the affect these bands have had on peoples
lives. now with ur emo/screamo
boybands and ur panic at the disco mychemical ballsack etcc.. I think
there should be a new term for these bands. lumping them into the emo
cat is pretty lazy. I suppose it's really just indie rock music.

Sunny Day Real Estate- by far the best of this group. really powerful music that has stood the test of time extremely well. the audience was full of 'hardcores' singing every word. and although the band has shunned california in the past they seemed to really be enjoying themselves. pure flow.
here's alink to their set from DC on NPR this tour check it-
direct mp3 download

JEW @ HOB san diego
Jimmy Eat World- i give credit to artists who know what their audience wants, and have a strong grasp on what their most powerful works are. when static prevails and clarity came out in the mid to late 90's shit was all good. then they 'blew the fuck up' and their music was turned into utter shite. but on this night they played their masterwork Clarity in it's entirety. smart move. cuz the 'encore' was fucking abominable. i abruptly left.

TGUK @ HOB san diego (fucking atrocious venue btw) duh
The Get Up Kids- by far the WORST of the bunch. i was actually looking forward to this 1 as it was my understanding that it was a 10th anny tour of the 1 album i like from this band. not the case. fucking horrendous venue had the all ages section on the floor. big mistake. KEEP THE KIDS UPSTAIRS ASSHOLES!! n e way their set had a few bright spots but regrettably they played a cliche set of crappy pop punk sing alongs..
but apparently people still dig this shhhit-
Oct 31 2009 8:00P
Irving Plaza - SOLD OUT!!!! New York, New York
Nov 1 2009 8:00P
Music Hall Of Williamsburg - SOLD OUT!!!!! Brooklyn, New York
1 thing i did notice about these shows... there is a market of concert goers who simply do not participate in the local scene here. u know- the 30 something bro in a non ironic flannel and a tatted up fat chick with horn rimmed glasses. u only see them at like built to spill or karate or sunny day and it's like where the FUCK r u people hiding? there r good local bands who need the same support. don't be so jaded. i know music was more 'legit' when u were coming of age and now u need a babysitter to catch a show but c'mon. at this rate ur not going to see ANY 10 year anniversary gigs commemorating some milestone from this decade or the next if people choose to sit back and simply ingest music and everything else in a snuggie at home on their laptop.

dude that shits just wrong
daily recommended show- nada. pretty sure all the good ones happened already
open your mind...