'Submit to them using the Sonicbids Electronic Press Kit (EPK), which allows you to send audio, photos, biography, press clips, and more, faster and more easily than ever before. Promoters get your info in an easy-to-read, easy-to-navigate format. They like that.'
Yall ever herd of Myspace? it's pretty new. oh right YOU CAN'T CHARGE MONEY FOR IT! my B
NOW a service like this could be useful to a large national festival such as cmj or sxsw, but an all LOCAL music event? That is just a cowardly attempt to suck penniless musicians dry. and for what? To play a show at the whistlestop? or u31?
Also it looks as though they have yet again failed to provide any type of shuttle service between venues which would have made the $25 admission somewhat worth it. oh k let's get hammered up at the soda bar then drive to rubyroom..then over to the whistlestop.. SD FUckO does not condone drunk driving. or driving at all for that matter (go planet earth!). although this town makes it almost impossible with it's ATROCIOUS public transit system that has recently increased rates while cutting service..
(EDIT)- apparently there will be a shuttle..although there is absolutely no information on their website..a map and schedule would be useful!
All in All this fest is a wash. Stick to the university & 30th area and see what you can. And Kevin, try not to skim anything off the top.
daily recommended show: Casbah- Beaters & Mika Miko. or friends chill @ whistlestop (their longest running night!)
Just fir the record, there will be shuttle buses at NPMT. Four 50 passenger shuttles will run from 5:30pm until 2:30am hitting all areas of the festival.
ReplyDeletewoohoo! can't believe people actually read this crap
ReplyDeletereverse comp., will i be paid to watch the shows?
ReplyDeleteshiiiiiiiit. just want the people to know that the bands are paying (almost) as much as you are to take part in NPMT. accept the kewl kidz @ the SSR showcase. i'm sure jackson was just 'given' that stage.